【侍の朝の静寂/Morning silence of a SAMURAI…etc🖌】For Followers presents of April🎁🌸
April’s art work was drawn out of a box, which was such a large number of requests, (Thank you all so much for your requests!) and two words were chosen. “Samurai” and “Family”.
Addition to these two words, I added some more pieces that I wanted my fans to receive. If you find something you like in the inbox, don’t hesitate to download the works! If you haven’t received your gifts yet, you can get them from the link on my profile. Please take it😉
There has been many downfalls since this Covid ordeal started, but I’m so happy and glad I was able to connect with you all here and share my art pieces for you to enjoy! This struggle and anxiety caused by Covid seems like it might last a bit longer for all of us, but I really hope we can all find some good and joyful times during this ordeal.
4月のアートをプレゼントボックスに追加しました~🌸今月は全部で10点ほど。(え?書きすぎた?w まーいいじゃないの😂)ボックスから受け取ってね〜🎁