【Happy Father's Day! 】Every year on Father's Day, I take some time to think about my own father, relying on my memory.My father suddenly disappeared.I don't have many memories of him, and I don't have a single photo of him, so his face is fading in my memory as the years go by. But I can never forget him. Because there is one gift from my father that I can’t forget.He gave me my nameMy name is "Ai". This name was given to me by my father. In Japan, the character for "Ai" generally uses the kanji for “Love”. However, my father wanted to come up with his own kanji for his daughters name. He thought about it until the very last minute of submitting my birth certificate. The kanji that my father gave me as a gift was "亜泉 "This is not a very common character to be used for “Ai”. The kanji means "Asia's spring."️My father gave me this name in hopes that I will grow up to become a person that will enrich the world like an Asian spring.Until I became older, I remember being overly burdensome by the meaning of my name.But now that I'm older. I am grateful and proud to be living this life with this name that my father gave me Thank you, Dad️ I hope you live happily somewhere️・・毎年、父の日は少し時間をとって記憶を頼りに実父のことを思い出します。突然、消えた父…父との思い出は、もともと少ない上に写真も一枚も持ってないから年々と彼の表情を思い出しずらくなってきてるなぁ〜と。でも、絶対に忘れることができない父からのギフトもあって…それが、名前私のAIという名前は父がつけてくれたもので、一生懸命考えて私に与えてくれた漢字が『亜泉』その意味の通りアジアの泉のように世界を豊かにする人になって欲しいという願いを込めてつけてくれたそうです。大人になるまで、その大きすぎる(重すぎる)漢字の意味を受け止めることができなかったけどw今となっては、この名前で、この人生を、生きれていることをありがたく、誇りに思うありがとう、お父さん♡どこかで幸せに暮らしていますように#fathersday #thankful #photo #japanesemodel #artist #aikishimoto//////////◆ファンクラブhttps://aikishimoto.com/fanclub/◆個人の方向けサービスhttps://aikishimoto.com/personal/◆企業さま向けサービスhttps://aikishimoto.com/to-company/
– from Instagram