【For Followers presents of January 】Hi everyone! I have added my new works requested by my followers, in to my “Present Box”. I hope you like them!◆This month’s Art・笑門来福/Smiling brings you good luck・戒/CommandmentsPlease receive the gifts from here→ https://forms.gle/WGru6vXZdZour7vu9Now the “gift box” is filled with more than 100works that can be down loads for free.You can download and print them out and display them in your room, use them as wallpaper for your phone , computer, or even use them as your tattoo design. I would be so great if you could use these works to make your heart HAPPY in anyway possible♡Thank you!今月は、笑門来福・戒のリクエストを書いたよーこちらのURLからお受け取りどうぞhttps://forms.gle/WGru6vXZdZour7vu9すでにプレゼントボックス持ってる方は覗きにいってみてー #japan #artist #aikishimoto #japaneseculture #kanji #japanesecalligraphytattoo #書道 #書道アート#心書
– from Instagram